USDA Farm to School Resources
If you want more information on farm to school, the USDA Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program (Farm to School Program) is a great place to start. The Farm to School Program’s website is full of helpful resources , like the Farm to School Grant Program and USDA Farm to School Planning Toolkit . This toolkit guides you through areas of consideration and helpful ideas for starting or growing your farm to school program. Additionally, subscribe and read USDA’s farm to school e-newsletter, The Dirt, which features farm to school success stories and links to resources and funding information that can help inspire and grow your program!
ICN Training Opportunities
Below are some ICN Farm to School iLearn Courses you can access here:
ICN offers free, self-
paced, online
courses through iLearn. A large catalog of courses and recorded webinars is dedicated to delivering research-based training. View ICN’s iLearn Brochure for more information.
Remember to visit ICN’s Child Nutrition Sharing Site (CNSS) Resource Hub , a one-stop shop for operation-related child nutrition program resources, which now features a farm to school section .
Molle Polzin is a Registered Dietitian with over 20 years of experience in community nutrition, public health, and training coordination. Molle is an Education and Training Specialist with the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN), where she develops nutrition resources and training for child nutrition programs. Molle is passionate about helping early childhood professionals create fun learning experiences while serving healthy and safe meals to the children in their care. Education and Training Specialist, The Institute of Child Nutrition. Molle Polzin
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The Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN), part of the School of Applied Sciences at The University of Mississippi, is the only federally funded national center dedicated to applied research, education and training, and technical assistance for child nutrition programs. The Institute’s mission is to provide information and services that promote the continuous improvement of child nutrition programs.
ICN Website
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