Served Digizine | October 2023

Choose an activity

Form a team

Determine the farm to school activity you want to start with. You could: • Purchase local foods to include on school menus. • Check out USDA’s Procuring Local Foods for helpful information. • Start a school garden. • Refer to USDA’s School Gardens: Using Gardens to Grow Healthy Habits in Cafeterias, Classrooms and Communities for more information. • Incorporate nutrition, food, and

Form a farm to school team for your project. Start by finding a champion, the individual or individuals who will be the glue to help bring the team together, keep the ideas flowing, and continue the path of progress with your program. Add school nutrition staff, teachers, administrators, local farmers, students, parents, and community organizations. A team of diverse individuals will bring different perspectives to the table and help bring the farm to school program to fruition. It is also important to get input from stakeholders when starting your farm to school program or before making any changes to your program. Host a stakeholder meeting to discuss the benefits of farm to school and how it can improve students’ nutrition and engagement.

agriculture education into the curriculum. Choose one, two, or all three!

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