EDIBLE EDUCATION Slicing up Inspiration for Your Menu and More!
Looking for a little inspiration to help boost your menu? Welcome to our column featuring bites of nutrition knowledge and insight for your team’s menu creation needs. | Pisanick Partners
local food items you are serving by providing pictures and links to more information about the local foods, farmers and vendors. Direct your menu readers’ attention to the harvest of the month produce items you are featuring. This can easily be done with a virtual menu and tools. Check out this quick resource and let us know if we can help! Parma Local School District has a commitment to serving locally grown foods. Their online menu highlights these foods and gives viewers the opportunity to access additional information about where products are sourced. Note(!!) all the call outs on their menus for various ways they promote farm- to-school!
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This month we celebrate one of our favorite school foodservice pillars…farm-to-school. Embark on one or all of these areas to heighten the farm-to-school efforts in your school or program. READ: Start them young. We host young and budding professionals in our Intern Academy where they get exposed to our farm-to-school mission. Pisanick Partners proudly accepts and mentors college student interns in the nutrition, culinary, and business fields promoting entrepreneurship and career development in the vocation we love - child nutrition. Read how impactful this can be for our farm-to-school future professionals! Pay it forward by supporting and sharing ways to get involved in farm-to-school efforts with students, colleagues and stakeholders. We welcome those that want to join us . WATCH: Have trouble getting your team inspired to read how impactful this work is and find inspiration for development of farm-to-school recipes? Interested in a way to incorporate a multimedia approach into your next menu meeting? Or simply put, are you more of a visual learner? Often it just takes using simple visuals, like these farm-to-school recipe videos , that show the process and the end product come to life. MENU PRO TIP: Let your menu tell your menu story - and if it’s local sing it loud and proud!
Add call-outs on your menus to highlight the
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