Sustainability Outlook 2025


HY-VEE LAUNCHES SOLAR PROJECT AND BEE POLLINATION STUDY The solar power array will generate enough energy to power 360 homes a year. H y-Vee and Alliant Energy hold a ribbon-cutting cer- emony for their new solar project. From left: Donise Altenhofen, Lucas Coun- gy and other sustainability projects. In October 2023, Dollar Tree announced a partnership with DSD Renewables to build seven community solar power plants in New York state. TIMOTHY INKELBARGER, ASSOCIATE EDITOR, SUPERMARKET NEWS

“These initiatives encapsulate what can happen when a forward-looking company like Hy-Vee partners with their local energy company to advance sustainably,” Alliant Energy’s Iowa energy company President Mayuri Farlinger said in a press release. “Hy- Vee’s decision to be a leader in this space is something we’re extremely proud of as we deliver on our purpose to serve customers and build stronger communities.” Hy-Vee also installed an on-site apiary at the solar field and has part - nered with Iowa State University re- searchers to study how native plants can help sustain bee colonies. The grocer is also working with Alliant Energy on a pilot project that deployed a fleet of 30 electric refriger - ated trailers that are delivering perish- able goods to stores throughout Iowa. Those sustainable freezers replace those that typically run on diesel fuel. Hy-Vee said the electric trailers will en- able quieter idling near its stores and a reduced environmental impact. The project follows an industry trend of grocers supporting solar ener-

ty Economic Development executive director; Matt Beenblossom, senior vice president, Chariton Distribution Center, Hy-Vee, Inc.; Steven Venegas, executive vice president, supply chain and transportation, Hy-Vee, Inc.; Ma - yuri Farlinger, president of Alliant En- ergy’s Iowa energy company; David Vollmar, senior key account manager, Alliant Energy; Adam Gregg, lieutenant governor of Iowa; Jason Farver, exec- utive vice president, chief supply chain officer, Hy-Vee, Inc.Hy-Vee Hy-Vee has completed the first phase of its solar energy project in Chariton, Iowa—the first step in a partnership with Alliant Energy Corp. which will produce enough energy to power 360 homes a year. The grocer and the Madison, Wisc.-based power company held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday for the launch of the Hy-Vee Chariton Solar Field.

Dollar Tree said the project will enable the company to become an “anchor tenant subscriber” and offset 29% of its energy needs across the state. In May 2023, Canadian grocer Loblaw Companies announced that it would begin purchasing and exclu- sively using wind, solar, and water power energy from renewable energy company TC Energy. Ahold Delhaize-owned Giant Com- pany made headlines in June 2020 with the announcement that it had established a seven-acre, pollina- tor-friendly solar field at its headquar - ters in Carlisle, Pa. The pollinator field aimed to “edu - cate our team members, customers and the community about the crucial role bees play in getting food onto their family’s table,” former Giant Pres - ident Nick Bertram said of the project in 2020.




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