All Things Insights Spends & Trends Report


Each year, TMRE unites hundreds of insights executives with a common goal - advancing the insights practice, developing as respected leaders and driving bottom line impact with insights. It’s the 20th anniversary of TMRE: The Market Research Event. We’re celebrating with a renewed focus on what matters most to the insights community – Connecting Insights to Business Growth. As the world’s #1 insights and analytics event, TMRE features fresh and relevant content from over 150+ speakers who share their stories, wisdom and watch outs.

With a consistent cadence of content, All Things Innovation is a year-round resource for Insights leaders. With constant connection to new content and new perspectives, you get the tips and tricks you need to stay agile and opportunistic in your approach. The answers today look a lot different than the answers a year ago. All Things Insights is designed to ensure our global network becomes your global network. Connect with a diverse member community in real time to forge new relationships, spark conversations and create tomorrow’s best practices.


Yabble’s technology platform solves how to generate rich insights quickly & accurately from text data. Using best- in-class AI, Yabble generates themes, sentiment codes and counts your data quickly. It also allows you to ask your data questions. Yabble’s platform is 1,000 times faster than human coders, enabling businesses to spend more time actioning insights.

Conductrics creates innovative software for online Experimentation and Optimization. As industry leaders, we introduced API-driven A/B Testing & multiarmed bandit software, transparency in machine learning predictive targeting with human-interpretable contextual bandits capabilities, and integrated experimentation & personalization, with direct customer feedback that answers ‘what’ and ‘why’ required for CX optimization.

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