National Restaurant Association Show 2024 Insider

New tools to navigate labor, sustainability and traffic challenges

Anton van Zyl of The Coca-Co- la Company talks with Nation’s Restaurant News during the 2024 National Restaurant Association Show about why sustainability is so important to today’s consumer and how restaurants can devel- op packaging, recycling and reuse programs that are both good for the earth and good for business. Building a sustainable restaurant packaging strategy

Melanie Daigle and Eric Blumen- thal of The Coca-Cola Company talk with Nation’s Restaurant News during the 2024 National Restau- rant Association Show about how the company’s initiatives aim to help restaurant operators through their biggest challenges: Leader - oping employees, while Coca-Cola Lens empowers operators with must-have data and insights. Empowering the restaurant industry’s future leaders



National Restaurant Association Show 2024

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