National Restaurant Association Show 2024 Insider

Menu trends that went to the max at the National Restaurant Show


piled with cheese and veggies. Sup- posedly, it’s healthier and easier to di- gest than regular pizza dough, which is a good thing when you’re stuffing your face with samples from dozens of ex- hibitors in the space of a few hours. Beverages laced with THC are legal to sell and serve in a number of states, so exhibitors were ready to graduate operators from CBD to a more potent cannabis derivative. I tried what amounted to a thimble-full

for most operators. This year, sev- eral products appeared that can be caviar stand-ins —at least when it comes to presentation and texture. Chile Pepper Flavor Pearls, one of the FABI award winners for food and drink innovation, are caviar-sized with a natural liquid center made of red bell and chile peppers. They make an eye-catching garnish and release a de- licious burst of flavor when eaten. Caviaroli are tiny Arbequina olive oil pearls that produce the same effect with a more neutral flavor. I also tried finger lime caviar, a product from Aus - tralia imported by a company called Mad Honey. The pearls are found in- side the fruit and available frozen. These also pop in the mouth for the “caviar effect” and make an impressive pastel-colored garnish. But for those craving a briny, more caviar-like flavor, dulse flakes are a viable swap. Ocean’s Balance blends dulse flakes and lemon zest into but - ter that tastes and looks close to real caviar. That dulse butter would make a


Cardamom, caviar and other trends from the National Restaurant Show

28 MIN

matillo salsa for his base, then added hops—the same ingredient that goes into beer—for some bitterness. This version of guacamole added complex flavor to a fish taco. For the second demo, Weir blend- ed tamarind into the avocado to add sweet-sour tropical notes. He round- ed that out with roasted mushrooms, tomatillo salsa and a little chili crunch and served it with glazed, grilled shrimp. His goal—to show how gua- camole doesn’t have to be pigeon- holed into Mexican or Latin cuisine. It

of CannaSpritz from Flora Hemp Spir- its. It contains only 3 mg of THC, but I’m a lightweight and felt a little buzz. The best part of the drink is that it ac- tually had a pleasant flavor profile— effervescent and dry with very little sweetness and subtle floral notes. The guacamole bar set up by Avoca- dos from Mexico was a team favorite at RB, but I especially loved the guac extensions created by Chef Nate Weir of Modern Market, who headed up the demos on Monday. First, he mashed up fresh avocado with to-

great spread on pinsa , a Roman-style flatbread that is having its moment as a next-gen pizza crust. The one I tried was gluten-free and hand-stretched and stayed really crispy even when

The Evolution of Plant-Based Foods

NRN senior food and beverage editor Bret Thorn and NRN contributor Diana Blass explore the many plant-based products on display. Get their take on how the category has evolved.


National Restaurant Association Show 2024

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