National Restaurant Association Show 2024 Insider

9 Tech tidbits from the National Restaurant Show


“ The future of restaurants is data-heavy.” — Bryan Solar, SpotOn

One noted that a lot of what used to be known as customer service is now self-service. Another complained that it’s hard to get an actual human on the phone when there’s a problem

Knapp spoke to a lot of providers while building Bobby’s tech stack. He valued the ones that made him feel like a partner rather than a potential sale.

“We were not looking for a POS system, but a POS partner who says, ‘Here’s how we can support you,’” Knapp said. Restaurants are a data business Believe it or not, there are still opera- tions out there that have little insight into how sales are performing or what items are selling best. That’s a big lim- itation at a time when costs are chang- ing rapidly and every penny counts. “The future of restaurants is da- ta-heavy,” said Bryan Solar, chief prod- uct officer at POS provider SpotOn. “It’s one of those things where it’s like, evolve or die.” SpotOn has invested a lot in its data capabilities, developing dash- boards that reflect a restaurant’s per - formance in real time, down to which servers are selling which items. That level of visibility is vital for im- proving operations, Solar said: “You can coach to stuff if you can see it.”

Avocados from Mexico was showing off an AI tool that generates avocado-based menu items.

Tech Trends from the Show Join Nation’s Restaurant News’ Joanna Fantozzi and NRN con- tributor Diana Blass as they walk the Show to see what’s new in restaurant tech. Here are four innovations that caught their eye.


National Restaurant Association Show 2024


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