Special Events | Fall 2024


Changes Complete I n the Summer issue of Catersource magazine, I noted that we were saying farewell to our longtime graphic artist, Sharon Carlson, and that changes were afoot for our Fall issue. One could think that a new designer, adjusted internal processes for handoff and proofing, and a fresh type of digital product might encounter some growing pains (as it were), but my “tiny but mighty” team are pros! The process of

converting from a flipbook style magazine to a digizine has been surprisingly smooth. You probably noticed the change from the turning of the glorious cover to the first page of this issue, but as you continue to the Conference News spread on pages 6–7, you will be able to click on three different embedded videos! You’ll find another from an experiential eating event our senior content producer, Amber Kispert, attended last fall (go to page 17 to read and watch). While I’m a diehard “old school” ink and paper gal, when it comes to publishing there’s nothing like a fun video short to bring it home. A 60-second sizzle reel offers a unique impact over words alone. Le sigh . Industry marches on! One other note before I leave you: our Conference News section also heralds the opening of registration for our annual conferences in 2025. Embedded links will take you to our conference websites: Catersource + The Special Event and Art of Catering Food. Mark your calendars for February 23–24 (AOCF) and February 24–27 (CS+TSE) in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, FL. Cheers!

What do you think of this issue? Like it? Love it? Have something to contribute to our website? We’d love to hear from you. Write us at editor@catersource.com.

Kathleen Stoehr, Director of Community & Content Strategy

WEBSITES catersource.com specialevents.com leadingcaterersamerica.com informaconnect.com/catersource-thespecialevent/ informaconnect.com/art-of-catering-food/ CONTRIBUTORS International Caterers Association, Anthony Lambatos, Carl Sacks, and Meryl Snow

Director of Community &

Content Strategy Kathleen Stoehr, kathleen.stoehr@informa.com Senior Content Producer Amber Kispert, amber.kispert@informa.com Content Editor Amanda Nicklaus, amanda.nicklaus@informa.com Art Director Sarah Kolcheck, sarah@nxtgennetwork.com Sales Director Michael Lindahl, michael.lindahl@informa.com Sales Account Executive Devin Barnes, devin.barnes@informa.com Managing Director Melissa Fromento, melissa.fromento@informa.com Ad Operations Specialist Denise Walde, denise.walde@informa.com

Catersource is published quarterly by Informa Connect Foodservice Group and Catersource llc, 650 Third Ave, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10158. Subscriptions: Go to catersource.com and sign up to receive Catersource’s quarterly issues and/or monthly e-newsletter products. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission prohibited. ©2024 Informa Connect Foodservice Group. All rights reserved.



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