Food Management Digizine - Q2 2023

“Successful, progressive, and life-changing people-centric school organizations have a approach to innovation.”

that allows for hot, cold, or frozen food presentation. Can it go vertical? Can we hide it in a cabinet or credenza? The operator wants to preserve food, transport food, and store food in one vessel, too. Impacts the human experience. I would argue that it is the most important

point and place to be innovative. Successful, progressive, and life-changing school organizations have a people-centric approach to innovation. Within our firm, we speak about taking care of each other and together taking care of our clients and their customers. That has led to high levels of innovation on our team. That has, in turn, brought unique solutions created with our clients and design partners.

Let’s all look for innovative ways to promote healthy engagement within our organizations, within our own sphere of influence, and within the school foodservice community, as a whole. If we provide space for our teams and our colleagues to thrive, high levels of innovation, collaboration, and creativity will surely follow. The products we produce, the services we provide, and the solutions we offer will be better and more innovative every time.

What does innovation mean to our operations? Check out this article interview with Scott & Marlon Gordon from NxtGen Network now!

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