Getting into the back-to-school
“As we plan for another year, we get so lost in the rules, regulations, and operations of our jobs, that we often forget all of our planning and preparation means nothing if ourselves and our teammates are not in the right mindset.”
breath. Regardless of how your team shows up, when opening up the school year, it is imperative that we start out the school year strong and on the same page. The key to a strong start-up is making sure you not only focus on the team as a whole, but also you as an individual. As we plan for another year, we get so lost in the rules, regulations, and operations of our jobs, that we often forget all of our planning and
6 min
In the world of school nutrition, summer can mean many different things. For some, summer may mean taking a break; while for others, it may mean things slow down slightly, but at the end of the day, they never really stop. With that being said, a school nutrition department can be composed of team members that are energized and ready to jump back in and those that never really took a moment to catch their
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