Starting Strong | September 2023


like-minded innovative growers. In addition, to support classrooms and educators, Fork Farms has developed a complete K-12 curriculum to be used in conjunction with growing hydroponically in the system. The process is turnkey in order to help people grow fresh food as easily and quickly as possible. Redding School District Case Study: In 2022 Tawny Cowell, Director of Nutrition and Facilities at Redding School District in California, set the goal of growing 50 percent of the district’s lettuce supply on-site via hydroponics. To accomplish this goal, the district purchased one Flex Farm to try it out, and after trial, they decided to purchase 11 more. Now, 12 Flex Farms are growing in a repurposed and unused space at Sequoia Middle School, producing enough lettuce each week to support the entire school lunch program across all schools – exceeding the original goal of sourcing 50 percent of their lettuce. According to Cowell, enhancing Redding School District’s farm to school program with an indoor hydroponic farm has positively impacted both student nutrition and engagement. The district is now working to expand their Flex Farm program into their science classrooms. This video describes more about their journey with their hydroponic farms and farm to school program. Hydroponics also provides a platform for community engagement and collaboration. Many

schools that grow fresh food via Flex Farms partner with local nonprofits such as hunger relief programs and sustainability projects. Students are often involved in the donation process, therefore learning the benefits of hydroponics and sustainable food production firsthand, and the value of community involvement. Furthermore, this type of engagement with organizations and people outside the classroom nurtures social skills, effective communication, and teamwork. Many students even become advocates in their communities for a more equitable food system. Fork Farms works with partners to accelerate local access to fresh food and inspire health in communities. We believe that hands-on learning through hydroponic growing is an empowering experience for students. Hydroponics creates connection points and core memories for students to agriculture and nutrition. We believe that everyone should have access to fresh food at all times and are on a mission to do so. To celebrate the new school year, Fork Farms is offering a school years’ worth of growing supplies with every Flex Farm purchased by September 30, 2023. This September bonus includes six months of growing supplies in addition to the starter supplies box that comes with the Flex Farm - valued at $250. We want to recognize our partner’s efforts in the new school year and help them grow student engagement by growing fresh food.

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