Food Trends | June 2024

KEEPING UP WITH COMPETITORS Serving the Foods Kids Love When They’re Not in School


A s school nutrition professionals, one of our major challenges we face is ensuring that the food we serve in our schools not only meets the nutritional standards required by USDA but also competes with the countless options students have when they are outside of school. With each passing year, students’ palates become more sophisticated, and their expectations for school meals grow. Here’s how your school can keep pace with competitors and continue to cap - tivate the young, discerning diners in your cafe- teria. Understand the Trends First, it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest food trends that are popular among children and

teenagers. Social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram are treasure troves of culi - nary trends that can inspire your school’s menu. From ramen bowls to artisanal sandwiches, un- derstanding what students prefer to eat outside of school hours can help in crafting a menu that resonates with them. Collaborate with Local Chefs Partnering with local chefs or culinary experts can bring a fresh, authentic flair to your school’s menu. For example, working with a chef from a popular local Mexican restaurant could allow you to introduce authentic and nutritious Mexican dishes tailored for large-scale school meals. This chef could help create a healthier, school food

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