Food Trends | June 2024

EXPLORING POPULAR K-12 School Food Trends Feeding our kids with delicious, nutritious meals while also exploring more inclusive, sustainable options

I n recent years, the landscape of school food has undergone a significant transformation, shifting from traditional cafeteria fare to a more diverse and health-conscious menu. With a growing empha- sis on nutrition and wellness, K-12 schools across the United States are embracing innovative trends to ensure that students not only enjoy their meals but also receive the essential nutrients needed for their physical and cognitive development.

Incorporating global flavors and cuisines is also becoming increasingly popular in K-12 school food. Schools are diversifying their menus to reflect the cultural backgrounds and tastes of their student populations. From sushi and stir-fries to tacos and ramen, students now have the opportunity to ex- plore a variety of culinary traditions right in their school cafeteria. Introducing international flavors not only exposes students to new tastes and ingre-

dients but also fosters cul- tural appreciation and un- derstanding. Furthermore, there is a growing trend towards scratch cooking and made- from-scratch meals in school cafeterias. Rather than relying on processed and pre-packaged foods, schools are investing in kitchen facilities and trained staff to prepare meals from fresh ingredients on-site. Scratch cooking allows

One of the most notable trends in school food is the emphasis on fresh, locally sourced ingredients . Schools are increasingly partnering with local farmers and sup- pliers to incorporate sea- sonal fruits and vegetables into their menus. By prior- itizing locally sourced pro- duce, schools not only sup- port their communities but also provide students with fresher and more flavorful meals. This trend not only enhances the nutritional val- ue of school meals but also promotes sustainability and environmental stewardship.

schools to have greater control over the quality and nutritional content of meals while also accommodating dietary restrictions and food allergies more effectively. Overall, the evolution of K-12 school food reflects a broader cultural shift towards healthier, more sus- tainable eating habits. By embracing trends such as locally sourced ingredients, plant-based options, global flavors, and scratch cooking, schools are not only nourishing the bodies and minds of their stu- dents but also instilling lifelong habits for wellness and sustainability. As the school food landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains certain: the importance of providing students with nutritious and delicious meals that support their overall health and well-being.

Another trend gaining momentum in K-12 school food is the focus on plant-based options . With growing concerns about chronic health conditions, schools are finding innovative ways to incorporate more plant-focused meal items. Plant-based meals can help reduce the intake of saturated fats and cholesterol but also increase the consumption of fi - ber, vitamins, and minerals essential for growth and development. By offering plant-based alternatives to traditional meat-based dishes, schools are cater- ing to the dietary preferences and ethical consider- ations of students while promoting a more inclusive dining experience.

Amanda Lambrechts, MS, RD | Perry Township Schools Amanda Lambrechts, MS, RD is a dedicated registered dietitian with a Master of Science degree in Family and Consumer Sciences. Prior to joining the school nutrition world, Amanda had a diverse background which included clinical nutrition, adjunct instruction for South Dakota State University, retail dietetics, and private practice eating disorder counseling. Her work led her to being named South Dakota’s Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year in 2019. When the world shut down in 2020, Amanda’s school nutrition career began at Perry Township Schools in Indianapolis, IN. Most of her days are filled with menu writing, nutrition analysis, and recipe development. In her free time, she enjoys running with her energetic dog, Luna.

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