Food Trends | June 2024

PODCAST Spotlight

The Story is Out

Roy Pistone is the Director of Food and Nutrition Services at Citus County Schools, he’s a friend, and he’s a mentor to Marlon. For quite some time he’s been encouraging Marlon to share his story of entrepreneurship to give people a glimpse of what he went through to build NxtGen Network and to encourage others that tasks that seem impossible can actually be possible. This episode is guest-hosted by Roy where he dives into the story behind the man who founded NxtGen Network. An influential creative marketing agency that serves those inside and outside of foodservice.

1 HR, 15 MIN


Peanuts In Pop Culture

The Industry Perspective


32 MIN


With the average American enjoying 7.7 pounds of peanuts a year, our country sure has a thing for peanuts. But we don’t just eat them quietly and call it a day. Nope. Instead, peanuts and peanut butter are loud and proud parts of pop culture. In this episode, we’ll scratch the surface of peanuts omnipresence in pop culture through interviews with jewelry maker Mini Hay Avant and sports dietitian nutritionist Leslie Bonci.

This episode is hosted by Naim Walcott, West Hampton Beach School Nutrition Director and President of the NYSNA and features insightful discussions with Mary Ann Dayton from the Infinity Group and Joe Kilmer from Greater Southern Tier BOCES. The conversation focuses on the impact of universal meals and Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) programs in school nutrition.

Join host Mike Craig for an engaging conversation with Warren DeShields, Director of Foodservice at Bridgeton City (N.J.) Public Schools. Follow along as we learn more about Warren’s journey from being a chef to a dedicated school nutrition leader. It’s inspiring how he’s discovered genuine fulfillment in providing nutritious meals to students—so much that he hasn’t felt like he’s worked a single day in the past 20+ years. Warren DeShields Bridgeton City (N.J.) Public Schools 36 MIN WATCH NOW

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