Food Trends | June 2024

FNS Administrator Cindy Long (right) eats a nutritious and delicious school lunch with students from Granite Ridge School in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin.

USDA celebrated the updated nutrition stan- dards at a star-studded event at Lincoln Park Middle School, right outside of Detroit, Michi- gan in April. The school food tasting featured Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, along with Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), for - mer NFL tight end Kyle Rudolph, and a host of industry partners who are committed to providing the K-12 school meals marketplace with healthy products that are lower in sugar and sodium. Several students joined the food tasting fun to demonstrate that school foods can be nutritious and delicious.

Some of the partners present and the products they served, included: • Buena Vista Foods – Whole grain breakfast croissant with ham and cheese; whole grain lower-added sugar • Bongards Cheese – Cheese tasting contest (one with standard sodium and fat, one with 30% reduced so - dium and fat, and one with 50% reduced sodium and fat); panini sandwich on whole grain ciabatta bread with 50% reduced sodium and fat cheese • J.T.M. Food Group – PlantBorn (Nonmeat protein) for taco filling, plus low-sodium queso blanco and cheese sauce muffin with organic sweet potato and oats • General Mills – Parfait with fresh fruit

Dignitaries, including USDA officials, join students at Lincoln Park Middle School (Lincoln Park, Mich.) to enjoy taste testing nutritious and delicious foods.


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