FEI 2024 & Key Innovation Perspectives - OPEN

Day 2: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

2:00PM - 2:30PM Late-Breaking Partner Session

We’re leaving a bit of breathing room in the agenda to ensure that late-breaking sessions can be placed. Please contact elizabeth.hinkis@informa.com if interested in joining us.

2:30PM - 3:00PM Evolving R&D, Product Development, and Innovation to Outpace Disruption Sebastian Osswald - Director, Emerging Technologies Lab

The mindset, processes, technologies, and even execution of current development projects all affect a company’s susceptibility to disruption. Establishing forward-looking teams and initiatives that create a vision for what’s next, is a crucial piece of the innovation toolbox for organizations to outpace disruption. Join us to hear how you can unite your organizational changemakers to ensure enterprise resilience. Embarking on a cultural change to keep up with a world driven by digitalization and AI. Moving from an overly secure mindset to a more risk-taking approach. Setting up initiatives with an outward-looking technology focus. Bridging the startup world and traditional corporate R&D to strengthen the open innovation approach. Featuring rapid product development and in-market experimentation as key drivers for sustainable future success. Exploring new business opportunities outside the existing product portfolio.

3:00PM - 3:15PM Influenced: Traditional Cleaning Brands And How TikTok Is Driving Their Replacement Amanda Pizarek, Director of Research, Watch Me Think

How is social media impacting how people clean their homes and what they use to do so? And how do the brands most at risk of being replaced *cough* big master brands *cough* need to innovate to avoid being switched out? We’ve put together a TikTok dance to explain all. Kidding… We’ll be debriefing our innovation learnings using consumer made videos and slides instead. It’s still all singing and all dancing, just, you know, without you having to bear witness to someone with the rhythm & timing of a teaspoon.


FEI 2024 & Key Innovation Perspectives - Day 2


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