Media Insights Spend & Trends Report



“We have a lot of new perspective, not because we’re replacing one full service company with another, but because we’re bringing more things in house.”

On the differences between primary and syndicated data, I think people always hope that there will be syndicated data that answers their business’s questions and also provides a comparative context. I think we’re always hopeful about that because that would be useful, but then in the real world, you end up doing a lot of work on your own because the way you look at your business is unique. So I think people are always hopeful that there’s a high degree of syndication, but whether it comes to fruition or not, we’ll have to see. The next media insights spend and trends report is going to look very different from this one, which is going to look very different from the next one. Because we’re in the middle of this consolidation. I think that, at least from a major media company perspective, you will have a much better sense of where things shake out six months from now.

Overall, we need to own our narrative. All of us make product for ourselves and to sell to each other. So rather than being ashamed and trying to fit ourselves retroactively into somebody else’s narrative, we should be writing our own narrative and telling our own story. I just don’t like approaching the world with fear. I like to approach the world thinking of opportunity. Tell your story, don’t fit into somebody else’s story.

Radha Subramanyam Chief Research and Analytics Officer, CBS Corporation and President, CBS Vision, CBS Corporation

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