Lee County Schools- Bringing Back the Peanut

Common Questions About Peanut Allergies Answered.


Peanuts Returning to Lee County 22 min It’s been 18 years since the School District of Lee County became peanut free kitchens. On this episode, find out what drove the decision to bring peanut butter back into the school nutrition program.

By The National Peanut Board

What’s with peanut allergies? Though it’s increasingly in the news, the fact is less than 1% of Americans have a peanut allergy, 1 and food allergies only affect about 5% of children and 4% of teens and adults. 2 Peanut allergies are not the most common, but they are among top nine food allergens, and reactions to food allergens can be serious and sometimes life-threatening. What causes food allergies? Researches believe that food allergies are on the rise, but no one knows what causes food allergies in some people and not in others. While several hypotheses are being investigated, certain conditions in infants, including severe eczema and egg allergy, are known to be risk factor for developing a peanut allergy. 1 Vaccines are not considered a cause of peanut allergy,

and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention clearly states that peanut oil is not used in vaccines. 3 Can peanut allergy be prevented? Yes. Research shows that introducing peanut foods to infants reduces their likelihood of developing peanut allergies by up to 86%. 4 Guidelines from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that parents introduce infant-appropriate peanut foods starting as early as 4-6 months, depending on their risk for developing peanut allergy. 5 Discuss questions about food allergies and introducing peanut foods with your healthcare provider. 5,6

Brought to you by:

FEATURING: Sherry Coleman Collins, MS, RD, LD Consultant Registered Dietitian Nutritionist | National Peanut Board

FEATURING: Wally Colon Assistant Director Health Services Lee County

FEATURING Amy Carroll, RD Coordinator, Food and Nutrition Services Lee County

HOST: Marlon Gordon NxtGen Network, CEO

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