Served Digizine™ - Leading and Loving It

Welcome to the age of the Digizine! Here are your January & February Highlights.

This is a shameless plug for my mother, Dr. Leslene Gordon, MS, RD, LD who has been nominated for the Director-at-Large position on the Board of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. If you are a registered dietitian AND a member of the Academy please support her with your vote. Polls open on February 1st and close on February 15th. Mark your calendar and don’t forget to vote. Learn more about her HERE.

Co-Creators & Co-Editors Amanda & Marlon Say

Firstly, I greatly dislike the person who started the meme that this year is 2020 too. That’s just wrong! It’s a new year, a new day and hopefully we are done with that despicable C-word. I hate New Year’s resolutions. No, thanks. If life’s a game, then I am making a playbook. I am the QB, running back and the water-boy. Let’s go!

and spreading joy in this world. Folks have been through the ringer and we all need to proceed through life with compassion and care to our friends, family, neighbors, and most of all enemies. No, I don’t have an arch nemesis but I do have an opportunity to practice grace with those whom I find fault with. Route #4 I am enough. No. Two letters that hold an exceptional amount of power. I need to use them more often. Here we go… No. No. No. I don’t need to

Marlon’s Mom


Route #1 I am done with busy. My time is valuable and I refuse to waste it in places where my talents do not lie or in pursuit of something that does not fulfill me. If I neither have confidence nor find joy in a project or task it is at the end of my to do list, most always pushed to tomorrow and then tomorrow’s tomorrow. I am done with it. I must ask myself what person or resource can I use to take this off of my list.

Have a story that needs to be told? Click HERE to request our contributor spec sheet! Upcoming Editions Calling All Contributors! Project (Big & Small!) Planning Sustain the Earth & Your Programs Special Needs Nutrition & Summer Feeding Innovation Required & ANC Coverage Back to School - Not just for kids! (Personal Development) Farm to School Feed the World (Cultures, Diversity, & Giving Back)

Monthly Newsletter!

• Item 1: Non director necessary administrative tasks. Do I need to do this? Is there someone I can train who has the skills, intelligence, and drive to do this? Who can I empower? Who might use this opportunity to grow? • Item 2: How would the “person I want to be” schedule their time? Route #2 Caring for myself is not selfish. I am forever feeling guilty for resting. I constantly say that I don’t have time to go to the gym. Guess what? I do have time. I have all the time in the world but I am choosing to spend it on other priorities as opposed to caring for my body and mind. Sacrificing my own health to “do” for others (work, those two people I made, that nice man I married, etc.) is draining my energy. Thus, I am triggered toward caffeine to increase my productivity and wine to counter all that caffeine! Please note: I love wine. Yum! Yum! Yum!

do this or accomplish that to be worthy of respect, care, or love. I don’t need to answer that email right this second. I have nothing to prove by working late or on the weekend. My child does not NEED a play-date. Actually, can someone please explain this to my eight year old daughter? She’s the worst! So, there you have it: my 2022 playbook. I am going to focus on me. Yeah, me. That person who I look at in the mirror. I criticize and judge her so incredibly harshly. I’m going to work on it. I hope that you all take some time to focus on being your best self for you and the ones around you. You are special. You are worth it. You are about to rock the socks off this New Year. Send me what’s in your playbook for this year. No, I really mean it… YOU… yeah YOU… reading this. Send it to me at - Amanda

At NxtGen Network we love connecting with others across all media. The NxtGen Newsletter is all about sharing the stories of those within our network. Whether you are an industry member and have something that will strengthen the operators and the programs we love to serve, or you are an operator and you do something exciting and/or inspiring, wewant to share your story. But we’remore than story tellers. We will also include an educational piece monthly because we believe for child nutrition to evolve we need to pour into each other.

Thisnewsletter is all aboutmakingeachother better, giving credit where it’s due, and strengthening our network of school nutrition professionals. It is through our combined power that we can realize our highest potential in serving children across the country.

Route #3 Love one another. I am out to love as many people as I can with a mind towards service

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