Nice Drip | April 2024


Fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. They are rich in carbohydrates that will sustain you throughout the afternoon and keep you full for longer. Fruits are naturally high in sugar so they’ll satisfy your sweet tooth without the added refined sugars. Whole fresh fruits are best, but if you are grabbing a fruit cup, choose one that is packed in 100% fruit juice. Some easy fruits that a great for your grab-and-go lunch are: • Apples • Banana • Pears • Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries) • Grapes • Cherries


Grains are a great source of folate and B vitamins along with fiber. Chose whole grains to make sure you get the most for your calories. Whole grains have more of these nutrients than refined grains. There are so many good options for grains that this list in not extensive but a starting point to give you some ideas: • Whole Grain Crackers • Low-Fat Popcorn • Whole Wheat Bread • Rice Crackers • Oatmeal or Whole Grain Cereal Combining all these food groups will make sure that you stay full until dinnertime but will also give you the nutrition needed to support a healthy lifestyle. Try double portions of the fruits and vegetables while keeping the portions of protein and grains in control. The next time you’re caught at lunch without having made meal prep a priority, you’ll be ready. You won’t have to try fast food as a way to satisfy your growling tummy.

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