Personal Development
The most common misconception regarding leadership is that only certain people are capable of being leaders; if you don’t hold a specific role, title, salary, or personality trait, then you can’t possibly be a leader. The idea that being a leader is exclusive to only certain individuals ultimately creates ineffective (bad) leaders, because too many people are leading blindly with the self-perception that they aren’t even a leader to begin with! If there is one statement that cannot be stressed enough, it is that every single person is a leader. To lead means to influence; leadership is about relationships. Whether you’re leading your family, your coworkers, your community, or simply leading yourself: you are a leader. How we view ourselves as leaders is a concept called leader identity ; establishing your leader identity is the first step in your leadership journey. While some people may consider themselves “natural born leaders”,most people need to work on forming their leader identity through self-reflection, positive self-talk, and real-life experiences including both successes and failures. In addition, it is important to note that effective leaders are just as diverse as humanity itself; variety in leadership is necessary to accommodate different situations. Every individual has a place as a leader, but you must first acknowledge that you are one! If you are struggling with your own leader identity, start by practicing the following steps below. (Remember: it takes time and repetition to change our thoughts and self- perception so don’t give up!) Developing Your LEADER identity IVATI - LEAD Speaker Stefanie Giannini
Stefanie Video
Listen as Stefanie talks personally about Leader Identity and the journey she went on to find her own Leader Identity. ARTICLE RECAP
SAY , “I am a leader” every morning when you look in the mirror. (Yes, this sounds cheesy, but it will start to sink in!) READ books and articles on leadership including the biographies/memoirs of various leaders to learn how leadership can be executed in different ways. LISTEN to podcasts on leadership development and personal development. OBSERVE those around you; ask yourself why you either gravitate towards or distance yourself from them? DISCUSS with others what being a leader means to each of you and how you can learn from each other’s leadership journey. REFLECT on your successes, failures, strengths, and weaknesses as a leader and how you can learn from your past experiences as a leader. WRITE down your thoughts, both negative and positive, surrounding your leader identity throughout this journey including your leadership development goals.
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Stefanie Giannini, founder of IVATI, is a speaker, educator, and content creator on a mission to inspire and cultivate every individual’s identity and development as a leader; she holds a fierce passion for personal and professional growth, critical reflection, and building quality relationships. Stefanie holds a Bachelor’s in Food & Nutrition Management from Arizona State University and a Master’s in Organizational Leadership and Learning from George Washington University. In addition to her work with IVATI, she works in the school nutrition industry as the Assistant Director of Food & Nutrition Services for a K-8 school district in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago.
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