that we go through the legacy of this great Texas brand.” To be sure, the company does have plenty of room to grow. It just opened its first stores in South Car- olina, the chain’s 16th state. It plans to open stores in North Carolina next year. And while it is indeed a Texas brand, its name is known far beyond the state’s borders at this point. It gives Whataburger permission— and the potential customers—to go into more states. Whataburger doesn’t just let its reputation do the talking, however. Last month, the chain held an event in Tampa, Florida, featuring its food truck along with Stroud and Nel- son. The company gave away Pat- ty Melts. All to announce plans to open restaurants in the area in 2026, a key milestone for the company. Whataburger, she said, wants to open in new markets “in a way where we can introduce ourselves to the community, where we can build upon and engage with the people that live there. It’s about be- ing your favorite hometown burger. And that’s important to us.” As for what it will take to get the chain to the next level, Stroud men- tioned several priorities: Speed of service, accuracy, focusing on its bold flavors. But she also went back to those employees, or family mem- bers. For the chain to continue to grow and thrive, it needs to focus on peo- ple development. “This is about developing lead- ers,” Stroud said. “Developing leaders that can be part of the com- munity and lead and develop other leaders for the future.” It’s also something Stroud fell back on when asked whether she felt pressure taking over a company like this one. “Sure there’s pressure, but here’s what I’ll tell you,” she said. “I love this team. You know, the 51,000 family members who I’ve gotten to know. I have every bit of confidence in what they do every day to make the moment right for our custom- ers. And that makes it a lot easier.”
about the differentiators for Wha- taburger, so Whataburger is the absolute best Whataburger that we can be. And that’s what we’re work- ing on.” Nelson said Stroud has the ex- perience to take over the company. But he also said that she is buying into the brand and its strengths. “She believes in what got us here,” he said. “Her experiences gave me the confidence to choose a time now, knowing that Whataburg- er can be carried into the next five, 10 years because, again, this was my time and my chapter and the team’s in place now to move forward. “What a blessing.” THE FUTURE Investment firms frequently push brands into more aggressive growth. And Whataburger could certainly do that, at least based on people who ask Stroud to put loca- tions in their town. “I do get a lot of requests,” she said. Yet Whataburger’s plan, much as it has been for decades, will be “thoughtful,” Stroud said. “It’s a thoughtful and intentional plan, and that’s exciting,” she said. “It’s also one that we want to ensure
Donald’s in numerous financial roles, eventually rising to general manager of the U.S. Southeast. She then jumped to Starbucks, where she spent five years, most recently as SVP for U.S. retail operations. She’s been able to spend the past year and a half learning the compa- ny and its culture. “It’s a brand that I’ve been falling in love with,” Stroud said. “It is an iconic, fun brand that is recogniz- able. There is truly a unique history and legacy of this company, which I really have loved learning about and immersing myself in.” While Stroud acknowledges that she’ll be able to look at the brand with “fresh eyes,” she also under- stands the chain’s history and what makes it special. People have rou- tinely shared their love of the brand and their experiences with it in her year and a half with the company. Stroud isn’t about to change any of that. And indeed her experience to this point helps her recognize what stands out about Whataburg- er. “We need to lean into what makes this brand so special,” she said. “While I have these wonder- ful experiences in my career to this point, it’s really allowed me to think
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