Restaurant Business Quarterly | Q4 2024

Grubhub and 38 minutes and 4 sec- onds for Uber Eats. However, when looking at the apps’ promoted and estimated de- livery times, it was a different story. In both cases, Grubhub was most likely to be early and least likely to be late. Promoted delivery time refers to the arrival time that is quoted by the app before a customer places their order. Among the three apps, Grubhub most often bested its promoted de- livery time. Three-fourths of Grub- hub deliveries arrived earlier than the quoted time. That compared to 72% for Uber Eats and 69% for DoorDash. DoorDash, meanwhile, was most likely to miss its promoted time. Twenty-nine percent of DoorDash deliveries were later than quoted, compared to 27% for Uber Eats and 24% for Grubhub. Three percent of DoorDash or- ders hit the promoted time exact- ly, vs. 2% for Uber Eats and 1% for Grubhub. Estimated delivery time, mean- while, is the time that is given after a customer places their order. Here, Grubhub was also the lead- er. Grubhub deliveries arrived earli- er than estimated 63% of the time. DoorDash was early 54% of the time and Uber Eats was early 47% of the time. Uber Eats was also most likely to be late, which happened with 48% of orders. DoorDash followed at 42%, then Grubhub at 35% Five percent of Uber Eats and DoorDash orders met the estimated delivery time. Two percent of Grub- hub orders were right on time. Conclusion: DoorDash was the fastest provider overall, but Grub- hub was most likely to exceed its promoted and estimated delivery times. ACCURACY According to Intouch Insight, order accuracy is the most important fac- tor for consumers when choosing a

fast-food restaurant. But when it comes to third-par- ty delivery, order accuracy is often out of the delivery person’s control. If an item is missing or wrong, it is likely a mistake on the restaurant’s part, though theft by couriers does happen, and it’s possible for couri- ers to forget items at the restaurant. And order accuracy did differ by app. DoorDash had the highest order accuracy at 98%, followed by 88% for Uber Eats and 85% for Grubhub. There are other elements of ac- curacy that the delivery providers had more control over, such as the temperature of the food when it ar- rived. On that front, Uber Eats scored highest, with 92% of customers saying they were satisfied with the temperature of their food. That compared to 90% for DoorDash and 89% for Grubhub. There was also the matter of whether the delivery was delivered to the right location. All three apps performed well here, but DoorDash led the way at 99%, compared to 98% for Uber Eats and 95% for Grubhub. Conclusion: Accuracy is not al- ways within the delivery provider’s control, but DoorDash tended to perform best on order accuracy and drop-off location, while Uber Eats led on food temperature. FEES Price is a key consideration in any dining decision, especially these days. And when it comes to deliv- ery, fees can have a significant im- pact on the total cost. All three apps charged two sepa- rate fees: a delivery fee and a service fee. These fees varied based mainly on the distance of the trip, as well as time of day and order value. Uber Eats had the highest total average fees at $6.38. DoorDash fol- lowed at $5.85, while Grubhub had the lowest fees at $5.67. Notably, those fees have come down since Intouch Insight last

measured them. In 2022, the aver- age fee was $6.87; this year, it was $5.96. Conclusion: On average, Grub- hub’s fees were lowest. But all three apps were in the same ballpark, and there are many variables that go into determining fees. OVERALL SATISFACTION The three above factors weighed heavily into consumers’ overall sat- isfaction with each delivery provid- er. And on this metric, DoorDash came out on top, with a 96% overall satisfaction rating. Uber Eats came in at 91%, while Grubhub trailed considerably at 85%. According to Intouch Insight, food temperature and order accu- racy were the biggest determinants of a satisfied customer. When food arrived at the right temperature, the customer was 49% more satisfied than when the temp was off. And accurate deliveries led to a 93% sat- isfaction rate. DoorDash performed well in both of those areas and was also the fastest of the three apps. Overall, consumers were happier with their third-party delivery expe- rience this year than they were two years ago. In 2022, 87% reported being satisfied compared to 91% in 2024. Conclusion: DoorDash left cus- tomers feeling most satisfied by a fairly wide margin. It performed well on key metrics including food temperature, accuracy and speed. Grubhub trailed the other two apps.

*The study included 300 or- ders from restaurants and 300 orders from convenience stores. For the purposes of this story, only restaurant results were con- sidered.



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