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The MOMologue by Stacy Cardinale

T I ME T O TA K E YOU R State Association Publications

Hi. I’m Stacy. I ammany things, including but not limited to, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a creator, an amazing lip- syncer, an empath, and an overall good time. I have an MBA from Southern New Hampshire University and I enjoy painting, photography, drinking wine, eating french fries, and crafting. I have been married for 10 years (cocktail please!!) and together we have made two amazing humans (another cocktail please!!). Our son Anthony (7) and our daughter Sloan (4) have non-stop energy and in the rare instance they are not talking they are eating all the snacks. I am typically the “go-to” person for my friends who are seeking advice, a non-judgmental ear, perspective, a good venting session, or even just a hug (I am also a master hugger). I believe that human connection is of the utmost importance and that kindness is cool.

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April is here and that means Earth Day is upon us! It’s the perfect time to celebrate Mother Earth and teach our children just how important she is! First things first. Do you know the history of Earth Day? Well, today’s your lucky day because I’m about to school you. The first Earth Day was established on April 22, 1970 by a junior senator from Wisconsin named Gaylord Nelson. Around this time there were many environmental disasters happening, like fires, oil spills, and continued climate change. Nelson declared Earth Day in an effort to bring this problem to light! He wanted the masses to be more aware of what was happening. Nelson would later receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his part in what would become the catalyst for the passing of the Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and many others. Pretty amazing right?! We may not all be trailblazers like Nelson, but I have some ideas on small ways we can do our part. Here are some fun ways to involve the whole family in making our Earth a healthier place: • Start a garden! Flowers are so beautiful and really help the environment. Consider

perennials (they come back every year). It’s the gift that keeps on giving! Flowers not your thing? Plant some veggies! Not only are they yummy but there’s a sense of pride in cooking with food you’ve grown yourself. • Plant a tree! More trees equal more clean air. I remember my parents telling me that they planted a tree when I was born in the yard. I love this tree to this day, and I love watching it grow along with me. • Try a family challenge! For instance, see if you can go a week without waste. This is a fun way to get everyone to try to use things more efficiently. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Get creative! • Take a field trip to your local recycling center. Most offer educational tours in the process. Virtual tours are also available online! • Build a birdhouse. Creating a wildlife habitat is a fun way to include the whole family. Not handy? Make an environmentally safe bird feeder! Either way, the birds will thank you. Plus, you get to enjoy watching them! There are many things we can do to celebrate our planet, but the most important is prioritizing it. Together we can accomplish so much!

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